Although cures for sexual addiction are not easily obtained, psychological counseling may help some individuals. There are various other ways for a person to control his sexual impulses, and recognizing he has a problem is the first step to curing his addiction. As with any obsessive compulsive disorder, cures for sexual addiction might include medication such as Prozac®.
Individuals who are experiencing sexual addiction issues generally have some other type of ongoing psychological problem. The problem may surface after a stressful situation, such as a broken relationship, a divorce, or loss of a loved one. Some individuals who are suffering through such emotional trauma may compensate by giving in to sexual urges that ordinarily would have been suppressed. What then manifests may be referred to as hypersexuality. This behavior can threaten relationships and cause other conflict in one's life as well.
Finding cures for sexual addiction may not be an easy task on one's own. Professional counseling often can benefit both the individual experiencing this addiction and other people in his life. Coming to terms with factors that influence this behavior is the first step to overcoming the addiction.
Taking an objective look at his situation, the patient generally needs to identify what has driven him to act on these impulses. If he recognizes what aspects of his life can be changed, he's headed in the right direction. Support from family, friends, and professional counselors can also be a positive influence.
If the patient is married, he may not recognize that his actions are putting his relationship in jeopardy. He may be in complete denial. While marriage counseling may help a couple come to terms and find some type of salvation, finding a cure for sexual addiction is the tough part. This could be because many individuals with sexual addiction issues have low self esteem. Building confidence and coming to realize one's self worth can be one of the effective cures for sexual addiction.
Self confidence cannot be developed overnight. Aquiring self acceptance can be a multi-step process. Self image and self respect can play a key role in curing sexual addiction. The recovery begins as one learns to manage sexuality in a positive way. Building a healthy adult relationship with no negative impact will help the individual gain control over his life.