Kittens meow to tell their mothers that they are cold or hungry. But once they get older, cats don’t usually meow at other cats. Instead, they use physical postures and movements, scent markings, and vocalizations such as yowling, hissing, and squealing to communicate with their fellow felines. Cats do continue to meow at humans, though, when they've got something to tell you. Animal experts say there are many reasons for this: A meow can be a simple greeting when you come home, or they may want you to interact with them -- playing, petting, or even just idle cat chit-chat. Meowing may also be a demand to be fed, or indicate a cat’s desire to be let in or out of the house.
Do you know what I'm saying?
- Elderly cats with some degree of mental confusion, or cognitive dysfunction, may meow because they’re disoriented.
- A cat that meows incessantly should be examined by a veterinarian. There may be a reason for his or her distress. Some conditions make them powerfully hungry, thirsty, or just plain irritable.
- As cats age, they are susceptible to developing an overactive thyroid and/or kidney disease. Either one can lead to excessive meowing.