Before you buy a piccolo, consider how much money your budget will allow you to spend. Buying a used piccolo may save you money, although there are precautions to take to ensure the instrument is in sound condition. If you are a professional musician who plays piccolo in an orchestra, consider buying a new quality instrument from a reputable music dealer. Decide whether you prefer a cylindrical bore and conical bore piccolo, each with its own distinctive features. When choosing an instrument for a beginner or child, it might be best to rent one first, rather than buy a piccolo that is new.
Any quality musical instrument may be expensive, especially when purchased brand new. If you are concerned about losing interest after a period of time, it might be logical to rent a piccolo before making a commitment to buy. Even if you have your mind set to buy a piccolo, consider how much money you're willing to spend. To save money, you might want to buy a piccolo that is gently used. You might prefer to buy a piccolo from a local dealer rather than through the Internet or mail order, as it may be easier to obtain service or repairs, should the need arise.
When buying a used piccolo, you might want to get some type of guarantee in writing. If your instrument fails to operate or requires a repair within a short amount of time, you could incur charges if you do not have a warranty. The steel and wood should be free of dents and scratches that could affect the quality of sound. Keep in mind that if you buy a used musical instrument online, you won't be able to hear how it sounds or get a feel for how it handles. Also, it might be a good idea to have a used piccolo inspected by a professional technician before you purchase it.
Some musical instruments in the woodwind family come complete with an accessory package when bought as a set. If possible, buy a piccolo that comes with a felt-lined hard shell carrying case to prevent it from becoming damaged, and to keep the dust out. A pad saver can help extend the life of the piccolo pad and wick away moisture and dirt. In addition, an accessory package may include a few polishing cloths to keep your piccolo shiny and dust free.
Whether you buy a piccolo that is used or brand new, consider which style is right for you. Beginners and students often find the cylindrical bore piccolo is easier to manipulate and play than its counterpart, the conical. Although the conical may be recommended for more advanced players, it offers advantages such as being constructed of metal and wood. If you are uncertain of which of the two is most suitable, it may be a good idea to consult with your music instructor for guidance.